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A common danger unites even the bitterest enemies

A climate change denying politician, Charles Ward, is leader of a one-man party. He recently received an ‘official warning’ after spreading disinformation and has been temporarily banned from a number of media outlets. Now he’s back and being interviewed about his ideas. He’s trying to get back into the spotlight with the help of his PR assistant. He will be attending an election debate on climate policy this evening.

Meanwhile, two activists from an Extinction Rebellion-like group are plotting a protest via Telegram against this ill-advised policy.

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  • Piece is now online, seen it yet?
  • Pretty sure this will work
  • Good photo, your hair looks good
  • Here come the comments, hang on I’ll tag you


  • TraceeLace
    Good to see that one percent of the population is still able to think for themselves. If it was really that bad we would have done something about it earlier and we all know that the cycle of the world is also affected by it for the most part.
  • Pim De Laat
    Just came in, regime won.
    Leave a banana at your local courthouse tomorrow people, after all we do live in a Banana republic.
  • H. Timmes G
    Charles right again. GOLD. Big corporates are failing and showing their corruption so badly that it’s waking people up. They want to lock us up even longer so that you’re stuck 24/7, can’t do anything anymore.
  • drdelenNL
    That’s how dictatorships work, or rather, our politicians are being strangled by hippies who need to get a life………..
  • T.L.
    It’s all for show. Everything goes on, maybe for good. Don’t forget that the psychopaths will eventually start shooting. Compare it to 1930s Germany. We don’t know who our enemy is, but ALL governments are colluding. ALL GOVERNMENTS and the media.
  • Deniz
    Love you man glad 2have you here..
  • T.L.
    Charles Ward is GOLD!! Had it with MSM…Charles tells it like it is…off to bbq
  • MisterFord
    Let the climate crazies talk shit…..there will be another ice age after this…….just how it works……….
  • Anonymous
  • Here come the comments, hang on I’ll tag you
  • Loads of support, great for nxt month
  • I can see, thanks Kate, nicely done. Best PR girl ever. Off to RowFit for about an hour now, see ya in the office.
  • Put out a thank you and press release then?
  • Yes will do

Speech to text app

‘Thank you for your support in response to my unlawful banishment from Facebook, Parler, Twitter, TikTokPro and all (Dutch) media. It is of course nonsense–’

‘Hold it. Try using fewer expletives. Will also help you in the debate tonight.’

‘Ok scrap ‘nonsense’. Of course it’s unfortunate that my statements about the climate regime have been portrayed in a bad light. The Legion Party stands up for the ordinary folks, who drive to work every day and just want to go on a nice holiday to Mallorca every now and then and just want to enjoy the occasional pint or pie exclamation mark. What is life without a pint and a pie every now and then.’

‘Ah good one, we’ll remember that one for tonight.’

‘I’m glad to be using these platforms again to try and reach as many people as possible. We stand united against the climate extremists who are trying to take away everything that makes life beautiful. We’re fighting back! The Legion Party works for the common man after all.

If you’d like to discuss you can do so on social media, but of course the real discussion happens on Create an account and become part of the Legion League. You’ll find the Terms and Conditions on’

  • Teddy
    Jesus wow that guy Charles Ward has done another ridiculous interview climatepolicy-is-for-elite-controlfreaks
  • Teddy
    Shame those comments are only for paying members
  • Teddy
    Would love to hate on those climate crazies
  • Teddy
    Guy hasn’t got a clue. Probably doesn’t have children, maybe that’s why he doesn’t give a shit about future generations
  • Omar
    Reading it now
  • Teddy
    ‘common man’ pffffff
  • Omar
    Yeah…clearly got stuck in the 50s….everyone white and straight, women in the kitchen, bored forever and Fish Fridays.
  • Teddy
  • Teddy
    Wtf Fish Fridays
  • Omar
    Eating fish on Fridays used to be a thing man…. Not making this up
  • Teddy
  • Teddy
    Googled it omg
  • Teddy
  • Teddy
    OK learning so much from you every day….you so smart... such intelligence
  • Omar
    🤓 💚
  • Omar
    But about tonight, how’s things at TTP?
  • Teddy
    Yeah alright, 25k views, lots of comments, reckon at least 500 folks
  • Omar
  • Teddy
    Password is Cl!m4teJust1c3N0w haha
  • Teddy
    Btw marvel is doing the press, love them, they’re so GOOD with rounding up journalists
  • Omar
    Cool. Do they know any Greens? Could we do something with that?
  • Teddy
    I’ll ask, marvel knows everyone
  • Teddy
    What time are we meeting?
  • Omar
    6.30? Debate starts at 7.15. Kind of want to bring a cake.
  • Omar
    For some extra old school action
  • Teddy
    ahahaha yeah cool getting into trouble with the cops for sure
  • Omar
    Yeah I know, would be funny though…..not going to... our banners should be enough
  • Teddy
  • Teddy
    livestream here we come babyyy

Election debate disrupted by climate activists

10 september 2035 13:05 – By our editor

It is 7.30 p.m. and before the election debate could even start, the meeting was disrupted by activists of the Inc. Climate Alliance activists.

Their protest was directed not only at Charles Ward’s Legion Party, who has recently been subjected to an official media break, but at all participants in the debate, which is organised in the context of the elections that will take place in three weeks. The activists believe that not enough is being done politically to combat what they see as the disastrous effects of climate change. They call the climate policy that is currently being drafted a ‘sham policy’.

Election debate disrupted by climate activists

10 september 2035 13:05 - By Peter Bradshaw

Inc. Climate Alliance activists have disrupted a political meeting for the seventh time this year. This time, the radical group, which consists of a loyal core of about 80 left-wing extremists, targeted the election debate where climate policy would be one of the key topics. The attendees – the government parties and the four parties leading in the polls – called it a disgrace.

‘Pure terror’
Charles Ward, frontman of the Legion Party, responded with dismay. ‘Unbelievable, such an intimidating attack by a gang of long-haired fanatics. We’re trying to do politics here, but they’re making it almost impossible. The actions of these climate extremists border on pure terror.’

‘Permanent hearing loss’
Ward condemns the actions in a video recorded during the deafening demonstrations. In the video, dozens of demonstrators can be heard chanting at high volume. After the disruption, Ward's assistant called in a doctor because it was feared that Waard may have suffered permanent hearing loss.

Election debate disrupted by climate activists

10 september 2035 13:05 - By Ansuya Abadie

Inc. Climate Alliance (ICA) has had its seventh successful demonstration this year. The student activists are seriously concerned about the government’s failing climate policy. This time they had their say during the election debate, which was attended by the liberal ruling parties, the Legion Party, the Freedom Party, the CDP and the People’s Movement. No left-wing parties were invited.

Organisers Teddy Dex and Omar Alaoui are proud of the playful and fun demonstration. Besides the approximately 80 ICA employees, hundreds of sympathisers and fellow demonstrators attended the event. ‘There were about 700 people,' according to Dex. ‘We hope this will send out a clear signal. Something has to be done about the climate catastrophe.’ Ever since last year’s flooding ICA has been organising monthly protests. ‘It is the only way.’ Dex and Alaoui regret that no left-wing parties were invited to the election debate. ‘A missed opportunity. These egotistical parties are concerned with nothing but winning souls.’